Looking for Future was born in 2013 in the municipality MPANDA in the province of BUBANZA in the Worry to help destitute students who failed to finish the school year following socio-economic problems. Some dropped out of school mid-term, others were engrossed by people of bad faith. To overcome these difficulties, an association called "APDJV (Association for the Promotion and Defense of Vulnerable Youth)" was created. The association advocated with the municipal administration and some students were supported by tuition fees and school materials. and international organizations such as the Red Cross and CARE International have come to the aid of these children in difficulty.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that some of these children were helped, the constant thing was that the problem did not reside at the level of these students only, but the roots of the problems were in the households. It is afterwards that an idea to bring people together in associations to promote the socio-economic development of households has come. 26 groups of producers based on savings and credit were also born. A year later, to properly supervise these associations, the collective of said associations "NANU" was set up. All the associations were grouped according to their fields of action and according to the cultures they cultivated. Gradually the collective has arrived at 48 associations with 1461 members including young and mostly female. Meanwhile, after production, it is planned to install the processing units and to research the markets for the sale of products. Our organization will assist and supervise the collective from the production to will also assist into the selling of their productions. Our association continues its activity of assistance and advocacy to the vulnerable in general and the destitute pupils in particular.